Yes, I know it’s Wednesday. But today happens to be Ashley and Kevin’s 3rd Anniversary so I thought I would post a day early to help celebrate with them!! This is one of my absolute most favorite weddings ever! It was a beautiful day and both families were so much fun to be around! Ashley and I met just after I graduated from Hallmark. We were roommates with two other girls for a while, and then split up and it was just Ashley and I for almost 3 years. Oh man. Shenanigans-a-plenty. But I digress…
I introduced Ashley and Kevin. It was a joy…and a little odd at first…to watch them go from friends, to a little more, and a little more, until the finally admitted to each other and the rest of us that they just couldn’t be apart any longer. So here’s a peek into their beautiful Springtime wedding day. Enjoy!
And Bonus, The Wellshire Inn is such a beautiful venue! I hope I get to photograph another wedding there soon!